
12500 kilometres
11 X Everest

The hardest and longest self-supported bike ultra in the world.

The TransCanada crosses Canada from the North to the South, and the West to the East. The event can be done in two formats: an Ultra of 12500km or a shorter Express option of 6500km . The race welcomes both bicycles and velomobiles in distinct classifications.

Ultra Grand Depart 12500km and Velomobile event Grand Depart on June 8th 2025 at 06:00 AM PDT

Departure: Whitehorse, Yukon
Arrival: St. John’s, Newfoundland

Express Grand Depart 6500km on June 15th 2025 at 06:00 AM PDT

Departure: Vancouver, British Columbia
Arrival: Sydney, Nova Scotia

picture of a road going through the rockies
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